The future of eCommerce is Composable Commerce - Helsingborg Design LAB
June 2, 2023   /   E-commerce

The future of eCommerce is Composable Commerce

In today’s dynamic market, staying competitive is crucial, whether you’re operating in the B2B or B2C sector. To thrive in the digital era, it’s essential to be well-prepared. With consumer behavior constantly evolving, established companies face the challenge of meeting rising expectations for a strong digital presence. Composable Commerce emerges as a game-changing technology, enabling businesses to adapt these changing consumer demands. In this blog post, we’ll dig into the concept of Composable Commerce and explore its significance for businesses.


Create custom modules for your flexible Composable Commerce solution

By using Composable Commerce, you can invest in multiple systems that can be added, removed or replaced with newer and improved specialized best-of-breed systems. This differs from large enterprise solutions where you are tied to a single vendor and their licenses. Thanks to Composable Commerce, you can trade regardless of the cost of each system’s license.

The flexibility to create custom modules to shape the system makes it possible to design an IT environment that best suits your organization. As a result,, you no longer have to pay for unnecessary features commonly included in traditional and comprehensive package solutions, but which are not necessary for you.

With Composable Commerce, you can build your e-commerce solution using components from carefully selected vendors who are experts in their respective fields. This grants you access to a diverse range of authorities across different sectors. This gives you an alternative to using a “one size fits all” solution from a single supplier that includes everything from product catalog, shopping cart and order management to pricing and more.

By selectively choosing the functions that align with your business requirements, you can organize them into modular units for seamless integration.


A closer look at the structure of the modules

How do the modules actually work? A module can be compared to Packaged Business Capability (PBC). A PBC is a combination of best-of-breed systems and microservices (with custom logic) used for specific business processes. In other words, a PBC is an application that is designed around concrete functions and includes business logic.

Now it’s time to dive deeper into the technical background of Composable Commerce. So let’s go ahead and explore the digital framework that underpins Composable Commerce.

composable commerce

What is MACH architecture?

MACH, an acronym for Microservices, API First, Cloud-Native, and Headless, represents the foundation of a robust and forward-looking e-commerce architecture. Let’s delve into each component to understand their significance and the benefits they bring



The MACH architecture advocates the use of microservices, which means that applications are built as a set of small and independent services that can communicate with each other via lightweight protocols. The advantages of microservices include scalability, ease of maintenance and development, the possibility of independent implementation, and better isolation of faults.


API First

The MACH architecture emphasizes the importance of designing and developing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) first. By focusing on API design and then building the application around these APIs, it becomes possible to separate frontend and backend functionality. This enables a more flexible and modular architecture as well as easier integration with other systems and devices.



The MACH architecture promotes the development and operation of applications in cloud environments. By utilizing cloud services and modern technologies, applications can be scaled up and down dynamically, be more flexible and distributed, and have high availability and reliability. Cloud-based architecture also enables continuous delivery and faster time to market.



Within the MACH architecture, frontend and backend are separated from each other. The front end is called “head” and it is independent of the backend system. This enables different frontend interfaces to be used to display content and functionality from the backend system, such as web applications, mobile apps or other digital interfaces. By being headless, the system becomes more flexible and can be easily adapted to different devices and platforms.

The benefits of the MACH architecture include increased flexibility, scalability and modularity, which facilitates faster development and adaptation of digital solutions. In addition, the separation of frontend and backend makes it possible to replace or upgrade different parts of the system without affecting other components. This leads to better maintainability and efficiency in the development process.


Composable Commerce and MACH architecture: Separate concepts that complement each other perfectly

The MACH architecture can be used as a technical foundation for implementing a Composable Commerce solution. By using a MACH architecture, you can build different microservices that represent specific functions within the e-commerce stack, e.g. product catalog, shopping cart management, payment processing, etc. These microservices can then communicate with each other through APIs and can also be integrated with external services and providers to create a complete Composable Commerce solution.

So in summary, it can be said that the MACH architecture can be used as the technical basis for implementing a Composable Commerce solution by enabling the division of the system into microservices and the use of APIs to create a modular and scalable commerce platform.


Upplev den fulla potentialen av Composable Commerce med HDL Commerce →

The future of eCommerce is Composable Commerce